Mon - Sat: 10:00 - 19:00
Dental Implants are a part of ‘Tooth Rehabilitation’ dentistry and ideal for replacing the missing teeth. Implants have not only changed the face of dentistry but also the face of the human beings.
It offers the most realistic, long lasting solution for the restoration of functionality and your smile. Implant is made of titanium. It is placed in the human jaw and a crown is placed over it to give an appearance of a natural tooth. It offers greater stability and durability vis. a vis. other means of tooth rehabilitation and adapts to the human body easily. Some of the advantages of Implants are:
Advances in clinical techniques and biomaterials have facilitated a great expansion in the indications for dental implant treatment options. Immediate placement of a dental implant in an extraction socket was initially described more than 30 years ago.
All the above mentioned factors have been claimed as the potential advantages of this treatment approach
Invisalign aligners are an effective alternative to metal braces. They are wafer thin transparent aligners which fit snuggly on your teeth and gently move in place to give you a great smile. It offers all the benefits of conventional orthodontic without the inconvenience of having to wear braces and wires in a short period of time. Invisalign aligners are clear, unobtrusive and easily removable How Invisalign Works Previewing your smile. Seeing is believing. Your doctor can show your new smile before you even get started. It starts with a Smile scan. There are no gross teeth moulds here. Our doctor quickly captures an accurate 3D image of your teeth using iTerro Element scanner Mapping the Shifts ahead. Our doctor works to fine-tune every shift in every tooth using ClinCheck software built on the power of data from 6 million smiles. Think of it as the road-map to your new smile Custom Aligners. Your clear aligners are created using industry-leading technology based on your customized treatment plan. SmartTrack material is specifically engineered for Invisalign to ensure great fit and great comfort. Each Aligner is trimmed to suit your gum-line
Benefits of Invisalign
As the name goes, single sitting root canal treatment is carried out in one single visit. All the steps of root canal is done on the same day. The canals are first located and cleaned thoroughly. They are enlarged using new techno friendly instruments. The canals then receive their final fillings and sealed.
The basic steps in both are same.
1. Single time injection
2. Saves you multiple visits
Some of the contraindications being in situations of:
Lasers are boon to mankind, such a beautiful invention. In the last two decades, there has been an explosion of research studies in laser application.
Specifically in dentistry the applications are immense with lots of benefits and outcomes.
Lasers can classified as :
Hard tissue lasers
Soft tissue lasers
Hard tissue application
Soft tissue applications
Use of the laser proved to be an effective tool to increase efficiency, specificity, ease, and cost and comfort of the dental treatment.
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